There are different kinds of technicians that work with cars on a regular basis. Some of them will work in their local mechanic shop, simply learning the trade from those who have worked at that particular shop. Others will go through schooling and testing to ensure that they can fix your car correctly and efficiently. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell the differences between these two types of technicians.

The only true way to understand the type of service you will receive is to look for the certification of the technicians at a particular shop. You must look for ASE certified technicians if you want to have quality service. While there are multiple reasons to want this certification, there are four major reasons to work with ASE certified technicians.


It is important to understand that each and every ASE certified technician has a different level of experience. While some have had their licensing for years, others have just relieved their license. With that being said, you can easily find multiple technicians that have years of experience. They have worked on multiple makes of cars, and on multiple brands. Their experience will give them the upper hand when trying to work on your vehicle.


While each and every technician will have a different level of experience, they all have a high level of expertise. Their certification will require a higher knowledge ad higher level of expertise. You can be sure that ASE certified technicians know more about your vehicle than most other technicians.


There are multiple ways to look at the cost of one. At first, these technicians will have a higher cost than all other technicians. They have gone through extra training and education, and will charge higher per hour because of this education.

In the end, however, they may actually save you money. These technicians will be more efficient with your vehicle. They will be able to analyze and fix your vehicle faster than many other non-certified technicians. While you will be paying more per hour, you may not be paying for as many hours as you would with a non-certified technician.

Ability to Look Up Reviews

They are more popular than other types of technicians. You will be able to find multiple reviews on many technicians in your area. These reviews will help you to better understand the service that you will receive from a particular certified technician.

Those who have received this ASE certification are simply better prepared for these jobs. They will be able to quickly identify the issue with your vehicle, and will be able to identify the necessary steps for an efficient fix. If you want to put your car into the hands of a trustworthy mechanic or technician, you must look for their ASE certification.

4 Reasons to Work With ASE Certified Technicians