Getting your auto repaired isn't exactly a fun occasion. Not only is it time consuming but car repair service can cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars. If you want to avoid getting scammed, you will need to find a trustworthy mechanic that you can count on to provide honest and competent service. Ask your friends and family for references. Find a facility that is a member of the Business Bureau or local Chamber of Commerce, employs technicians certified by ASE (National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence) and is licensed. It's better to become familiar with a mechanic that you trust and to visit them on a regular basis for maintenance instead of visiting random places.
Insist on a written estimate which includes the cost of service and parts. Ask if parts used will be new or refurbished. Make sure that no repairs will be carried out without your authorization. If you feel that it's too expensive, feel free to telephone other car repair services and ask for estimates so you can compare prices. Another tip if you're being quoted a high price for a part is to use a search engine and find out how much it is being sold at for both retail and wholesale prices. It may even be cheaper to buy the part yourself and then bring it to your mechanic to have it installed. Knowledge is power and you can also use the internet to perform research in order to find out the specifics of a repair. Call the dealer to inquire if a specific service or part is covered under your car warranty.
Make sure you are familiar with the owner's manual of your car. Have your vehicle serviced at the proper intervals as recommended by the manufacturer. Maintenance such as oil changes and tune ups are important if you want your car performing in top condition for a long time. Other procedures which may need to be performed include changing coolant fluids, replacing the air filter and making sure your tires aren't aged and inflated properly.
A smart trick is to ask for the old part back if your mechanic plans on replacing it with a new one. If they refuse your offer then that's a possible sign of a dishonest business. It's never a good sign if you feel like you're being pressured to get a ton of other stuff fixed right on the spot. The majority of car service businesses will let you know of other problems but they shouldn't be pushing you. Also, make sure that you are aware of the costs of a diagnostic test. Some car service shops may perform this test for free while others do not. Diagnostic tests can be quite expensive and add quite a sum to the bill.
Car repair can be a bit of pain but with these tips you can avoid getting ripped off!